Friday, January 30, 2009

Confessions of a Madwoman

It’s hard but I got to do this.
Let you know what is it that I get from you.

And got from you.

Things that have made a difference to my life.

1. Holding your soft hands that makes me feel so safe, protected, warm and wanted

2. The safe heaven of your arms

3. The looks in your looks when you look at me

4. The way you touch my cheeks while we are eating

5. The way you feed me

6. The way you forgave me the day you had felt betrayed by me the most

7. The way you end up doing bad in trying to be good to me

8. I just love your poems

9. You got me on my feet when I was down and out
10. You brought back my self-confidence and that sense of dignity-

things I’d lost long time back-for almost 2 years

11. Your creativity

12. The way you look into my eyes while we are together

13. The way you hold me long after its all over

14. The way you always hold me when I am with you

15. The way your heart raced as it lay pressed against my satisfied bosom.

16. Your post all rock

What is it that I want to write?
I know not…
But, for the fact that there’s something I got

And want to write.

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