Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Chosen Few

Here comes another pick of mine. Most of these are either from movies or from serials.

Life of Pi
·         Hunger can change everything you thought you knew about yourself.

·         If you can’t tame it. Train it.

·         Tending to his needs gave purpose to my life.

Ice Age 2
She is so much fun and you are no fun at all. She completes you.

I don’t want us to be together because we have to but I want us to be together coz we want to.

You need to let go of your past so that you can have a future.

If you play dead, you will be dead.

Ghosts of the girlfriends Past:
The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares less.

English Vinglish
पहली  बार  एक  ही  बार  आता  है  और  पहला  अनुभव  बहुत ही ख़ास होता है 

तुम्हारा  ये  सुन्दर   स्वरुप मेरी  सम्पूर्णता  को  परिभाषित करता है  (Parvati to her son Ganesh)

Wah  wahkya baat hai:
 मैं  शेर  हूँ , गुर्राहट  कम  नहीं  होती ,
लहज़ा  नर्म  भी हो  जाए , झुंझुलाहट नहीं  जाती .