Tuesday, February 10, 2009

granny muses

When I think of our relationship (I met my current husband when I- 70 year old- had a massive crush on a 72 year old guy and wesoon married) I think of a passage I once read:

I must conquer my loneliness alone.
I must be happy with myself, or I have nothing to offer.
Two halves have little choice but to join;
And yes, they do make a whole.
But two wholes when they coincide …
That is beauty. That is love.


I believe that all success begins with spreading your WINGS:

W- Believe in your worth
I- Trust your insight
N-nurture yourself
G- Have a goal
S- Devise a personal strategy

….and then even impossible dreams become real


Most of all other beautiful things in life
come by twos and threes,
by dozens and hundreds.
Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows,
brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins,
but only one mother in the whole world.
-Kate Douglas Wiggin

assorted ones

Age does not protect you from love.
But love, to some extent, protects you from age.
-Jeanne Moreau.


The happiest people don't necessarily

have the best of everything;

they just make the best of

everything they have.


'Life isn't about how to survive the storm,

but how to dance in the rain.'


When you really want something

the entire universe conspires to get it to you.

- Paulo Coelho "Alchemist"


Good Friends must not always be together,

it’s the feeling of oneness when distant,

that proves a lasting Friendship.


Love is the emblem of eternity;

it confounds all notion of eternity.
-Anna Louise de Stael


It is true that antiques have to be treated

a bit differently,

with a little care,

but they still have a beauty,

all their own.


Woman …

I am the woman who holds up the sky.
The rainbow runs through my eyes.
The sun makes a path to my womb.
My thoughts are in the shapes of clouds.
But my words are yet to come.
- Ute Poem

Endless, unanswered, agonizing…

Why do I have to be so skinny?
Dad, why do I have to grow up?
Mom, dad, why do I have to leave?
Dad, why do I miss my old friends?
Dad, why do you love me so much?
Dad, why do you spoil me?
Dad, why is your little girl growing up?
Mom, why is it hard to make new friends?
Dad, why do I miss being at home?
Dad, why does my heart skip a beat when he looks into my eyes?
Mom, why do my legs tremble when I hear his voice?
Mom, why is being “in love” the greatest feeling in the world?
Mom, why do my baby’s tiny fingers cling so tightly to mine?
Mom, why do they have to grow up?
Daddy, why do they have to leave?
Mom, why did my youth slip past me?
Dad, why does my face show every smile that
I have ever given to a friend or a stranger?
Mom, why do my hands quiver when I bend to pick a flower?
God, why does our world come crashing when our heart breaks?
God, why are we rude?
Why can't dreams come true?
Why, god, do hearts break?
Oh…why do relationships fail?