A young boy often looked up at the sky,
fearing that the sky might fall any time,
as it had no pillars to hold it.
He ran into the forest, with the hope,
that the trees would act as pillars to the sky
and save him from being crushed if it fell.
In the forest, he came across a monk and
asked him, 'Are you not afraid that the sky may fall
as there are no pillars supporting the sky?
'The monk replied, 'There are pillars supporting the sky,
but you need special eyes to see them.
''How do I possess those special eyes?'
asked the boy.
The monk's suggestion to the boy was to go to the village
and arrogantly demand food.
If villagers gave food with a difference,
then he was to come and report to the monk.
The boy went to many houses, arrogantly seeking food.
Most people refused to oblige him.
Surprisingly, in one house, a woman came and
begged his pardon for the delay in giving him food
as she was feeding her baby.
When this incident was reported to the monk,
he said, 'This act of goodness of the woman,
is one of the pillars supporting the sky.
'Every good act is a pillar propping the sky.
It is not visible but it exists.
If life comes from such belief,
then you get strength from an unknown source.
A lady approached a Taoist monk and told him,
'My mother-in-law is creating hell in my life,
can you give me some medicine to be given to her,
that would make her die?
'The monk gave her some medicine
and asked her to mix it in tea before giving it to her mother-in-law.
The only condition, he said, 'Be very kind and loving to her,
only then would the medicine work.
Also when she dies no one will suspect you.
She will die after two months.
'After one month she returned to the monk and pleaded,
'I do not want my mother-in-law to die, she has changed.
She is very kind to me nowadays.
' The monk said, 'More than the medicine,
it is your love that worked.
'Just bring your loving energy in whatever you do.
See the miracle of love.
It will uplift you and others too.
In the power of love is God.
God is not an entity,
God is a principle.
The principle of pure goodness.
Four people were on a plane;
a pilot, a politician, a teacher and a student.
Mid-air, the pilot announced,
'Something is wrong with the aircraft.
There are only 3 parachutes and I am an important person...
' he took one parachute and jumped out.
The politician hearing this, hurriedly
said, 'I am also very important person.
' he took another and jumped out.
The teacher advised the student,
'I have lived my life.
You take the last parachute and save yourself.
'The student said, 'Master, there are still two more parachutes
and both of us can be saved.'The teacher exclaimed,
'How can that be! Two have already jumped out.
Hence, there must be only one parachute.
'The student answered, 'Master,
the politician was in such a great hurry.
he took my school bag and jumped.
'When you are in tension, there are more reasons
for you to be ineffective.
Learn to keep your body relaxed
in whatever action you perform.
Also, let your being be happy.
How do you do that?
Just try to be happy.
Learn to smile more often.
Practice laughing meditation ..
just laugh without any reason.
The best antidote for anger is laughter.
When anger arises,
go to a bathroom and laugh it out
and you will find anger energy
that gives tension,
will slowly diffuse.
One can purify the body centre
by being relaxed and happy.
swami sukhbodhanand
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